Join us at 9:30 on Sundays for pre-K through the 7th grade Sunday School.
The children meet during the church service; they come in to the sanctuary for a blessing or communion. Depending on their age, the children learn the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten commandments, the books of the Bible, the Apostle’s Creed, as well as Biblical stories and songs while also developing friendships. The Sunday School also participates in several service projects during the year.
Note: first Sundays of the month there is no Sunday School so that families may have the opportunity to worship together.
Sunday School Hours & Contact Info:
St. Peter's is blessed to have a lively and active Sunday School Program! Join us at 9:30 on Sundays for pre-K through the 7th grade Sunday School. Please contact Brian Selgrade at for enrollment information. You do NOT have to be a member for your child to attend Sunday School.