Current Outreach Opportunities

Outreach is hosting a post concert reception after the Springfield Symphony Choir benefit concert on May 11th.

Can you help? If you'd like to help, by contributing items to be served or helping host the day of the event, look for the sign-up sheet on the Narthex table. You could also reach out to Deb.

LENTEN COIN BANKS: Thanks to all who donated!

Our FINAL Lenten coin collection donation total came to $953.95. Wow!

What an outpouring of support for ELCA Disaster Response to the Mid East Crisis. Thank you for making this cause a focus of your Lenten observance.


Patti and Frank are off to Honduras with our vitamins, Thrivent card acquisitions, 140 dresses and 90+ pairs of pants made by Doris and

Earline and our $500 donation to buy medicine! Godspeed Patti and Frank. We will fill you in on their trip when they return!

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Lorraine's in Chicopee.

Lorraine's has identified canned fruit, canned meats and pasta as their biggest

needs currently.

We love helping our friends at Lorraine's! If you can, toss some

canned meats, canned fruits or pasta in your shopping cart! When we all pitch

in a bit, we can make a big impact!

Scholarship: For Outreach it is a special time of year when we stop to remember and honor Jonathan Gray and recognize the youth of our church with our annual scholarship in Jon's name.

The 2023 year’s recipient was Spencer Reese